Setting AgScape up for Success: Strategic Plan 2021

In collaboration with our clever friends at Pearl Street.

We were pleased to work alongside our colleagues at Pearl Street Communications to assist AgScape Ontario in developing a 3-year strategic plan. Strategic plans are important tools as they help organizations identify specific actions, provide teams with a sense of direction and manage resources.


A World where the agri-food sector is recognized a vehicle for positive social, economic, and environmental impact.

AgScape’s Vision for agriculture.


Setting AgScape up for Success - Achieving the 2021 Vision

Now more than ever, it is important to close the disconnect between the agri-food industry and consumers. We helped AgScape come up with a plan to realize their vision by facilitating engaging planning sessions, sharing a targeted survey and conducting interviews with key partners.

The AgScape board now has a visionary and practical strategic plan that will guide operational and governance decisions for 2019, 2020 and 2021.